PC Troubles?
With todays economy everyone is watching where they spend their money.
If you have computer troubles I can fix the problem at reasonable rates.
I would say that my rates are still the best around. I have years of experience
and references available if anyone would desire to obtain some.
Many folks have a love hate relationship with the new Vista. I find it about 60/40
With 60% disliking Vista and 40% who like like Vista.
If you do not want Vista there are other options like getting a PC with XP, or
replacing Vista with XP. Call for details!
I still support offices also, and if you need your system fixed in a hurry at a reasonable
price then call! 540.667.2848
So if you are on a budget and you don't want to spend a fortune on repairs or virus removal etc.
Call me 540.667.2848